If you like to reward yourself with something luxurious, amber jewellery is the best investment, which will endow your body with its warm, subtle glow. This is a valuable natural resource loved by jewellers all around the globe. Pomorskie region is full of stores/jeweller’s studios in which the displays shimmer with many shades of amber colour.

Pomorskie region – where to buy the best quality amber jewellery?
Marilyn Monroe used to sing that diamonds were the girl’s best friends. Well, amber may surely compete with diamonds in the ‘girls’ best friends‘ department. It’s timeless, trend-proof and, when transformed into jewellery items, it adds some warmth and glow to our skin. Amber also evokes precious memories: the relaxing rustle of the sea waves, the heat of the sand, the sound of wailing seagulls. Therefore, decorating your body with amber brings you a double benefit: an exclusive ornament full of summer memories – an invaluable asset during long, winter months.
Where to buy the most beautiful amber jewellery? Just take a walk around the centre of Gdańsk go along Długa street, Mariacka street or along the Motława embankment – that is where the local ‘amber district’ is located, with lots of small amber jewellery shops. Amber, after all, is one of many things that the city of Gdansk is most famous for. To make the search easier, we selected several places in Pomorskie region which we would like to recommend if you want the genuine amber experience.
The Danuta Burczik-Kruczkowska Amber Workshop&Gallery
Where can one find the true Amberland? In Kąty Rybackie, a small fishing village at Mierzeja Wiślana [The Vistula Coastal Lagoon] It was founded by Danuta Burczik-Kruczkowska in 1995. Years of work on this raw material let her develop her own style, with nature itself shaping amber’s potential. Ms. Danuta doesn’t modify the shape of amber too much, instead polishing it subtly, extracting from it the essence of its natural beauty.

– I love amber, I am amber. Throughout all those years of working with amber, I teach people how to love it in its natural shape and its properties. Every amber is different, and every one is perfect. Thus, there is no need to transform it excessively – just appreciate its potential, and that is what I am trying to do in my works – says Danuta Burczik-Kruczkowska.
Amber Styl Gallery – amber jewellery in the heart of Gdańsk
This is an exceptional place on the city map, with a 43-year long tradition. Its founder, Zbigniew Strzelczyk, has been working in the amber industry since 1973. If you like places with history, which offer not just the product but also excellent craftsmanship and experience, you must absolutely visit Amber Styl Gallery. Zbigniew Strzelczyk creates all the jewellery designs himself and he can frequently be found in his workshop, in the back of the gallery. He is a kind, out-going person and a great story teller, so if you would like to learn some fun facts and stories about amber – this is the right address, you can take our word for it. The Royal couple: Prince William and Kate Middleton also listened to Mr. Strzelczyk’s stories with interest while they were visiting Gdansk.
You won’t leave Amber Styl Gallery empty-handed, since the choice is stunning. Each product is one of a kind, you won’t find two items that are the same, Mr. Zbigniew works on nuggets varying in shape and colour. And last, but not least, it is the amber which plays the main role in all collections, silver is merely a frame accentuating amber’s charm.
Prestige Gallery – luxurious amber jewellery from Gdansk
The features which make Prestige Gallery stand out on the amber jewellery market are:20 years of experience in working with amber and precious stones as well as the lavishness of their style. The range of products covers various silver and gold jewellery collections. The interiors of Prestige Gallery are full of stylish items created by top Polish designers, most of them featuring amber: necklaces, pendants, ear rings, bracelets and entire jewellery sets. Their creators’ signature style is visible in each of them, ranging from classic, geometric shapes to intricate, complex ornaments. There are subtle patterns, there are sophisticated ones – very different, but with one thing in common: they are all equally impressive.

S&A Manufaktura Bursztynu – amber jewellery from a company with a long tradition
S&A Jewellery Design is a Gdynia-based company, which celebrated its 30th anniversary last year. Three decades on the market is an impressive period of time, and keeping the business thriving for such a long time wouldn’t be possible without well-earned reputation combined with experience and timeless jewellery design. Manufaktura Bursztynu S&A store is located in Gdansk, at Targ Węglowy Square. The range of products is wide, with many other stones and natural resources, but it is amber that plays the leading role here.

What can you find in S&A Manufaktura Bursztynu? There are several collections, each one different in style. Our favourite ones are: Stay Classic, because we value classic design, Touch of Nature, where the beauty of nature shines in contemporary forms, and Be Unique, where the common element is the uniqueness of each amber nugget.

It is worth mentioning that S&A Jewellery Design is the author of Royal Collection, created specially for The British Royal Couple – Kate and William – and presented to them while they were visiting Gdansk. Prince William received cuff links, made of rhodium-plated silver and cherry-coloured Baltic amber. Duchess Kate was given a hand-made Qule necklace made of round milky Baltic amber beads, set in 14-carat gold. The company also designed the crown for Miss Polonia contest, which since 2016 has been passed on to the subsequent winners.

Piotr Czyż Amber Design Studio in Sztutowo
Piotr Czyż’s company has been on the market for over 30 years and has since then processed nearly 2 thousand orders. The jewellery may be ordered/bought both in the studio or online. Either way, you will be fully satisfied with your purchase. The variety of products is astonishing there are beautiful bracelets, with silver or with amber as their dominant element. There are ear rings, too – round ones and elongated ones, very glamorous and flattering if you want to highlight your neckline. You can order traditional bead necklaces, rings or rosaries. There is even a clock, made of and ornamented with amber.