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Winter is this magical time of the year, during which substantial and warming dishes appear on our plates. They are energetic and satiating. As always, regardless of the time of year, restaurants of Pomorskie region are full of delicious surprises, and head chefs encourage culinary journeys through the land of aromas.

Cuisine of Pomorskie has many faces. Obviously, one of the most popular ingredients here are fish. The restaurant at Hotel Aubrecht Country Spa Resort offers original tench tripe soup. As the head chef says: -In our direct neighbourhood, there is the vast and richly stocked Szczytno lake, which makes culinary inspirations virtually jump on the plate on their own. This is why, for starters, we would like to suggest a perfect winter warm-up: smelling of marjoram and butter, thick fish soup with thinly sliced tench fillet, which has been beforehand scalded with hot, molten butter.

Fish also plays the main part in Gdańsk-based Szafarnia 10 restaurant, where you can enjoy the delicious trout served with potatoes and leek, and – surprisingly – pork skins, beef marrow, and pea cream. The head chef is famous for his unevident ingredient combinations, also this time, he delivers.

Fish, namely zander with celery mousse and fried kale, is the specialty of Zafishowani restaurant. This place is famous for its fish dishes. What is interesting, zander is served with mushroom polenta, which gives this dish a unique flavour.

Winter flavours in Pomorskie Region

Speaking of mushrooms, they are the main ingredient of Gdynia-based Sztuczka restaurant. Gourmets can enjoy cream of forest mushrooms with mushroom steak tartare, parsley sponge cake, and pickled shimeji mushrooms.

In winter, soups are supposed to warm us up, and meat is to be rich in content. This is why Sopot-based Secretariat restaurant serves a slightly spicy wild boar soup with sour cream, and cream of slippery jack mushroms with truffle olive oil. Among winter novelties, there is also leg of lam with blanched cabbage, bacon, and potato confit.

Wild boar is also number one in Gdańsk-based Filharmonia restaurant. Its menu includes wild boar ragout with saffron milk cap mushrooms, vegetables, and traditional regional dumplings (golce kaszubskie) prepared according to traditional recipe.

Game meat is also among dishes served in Piwna 47 Food&Wine Bar in Gdańsk. Its head chef, Marcin Faliszek, recommends deer sirloin. He says: -Game meat has unrepeatable flavour and aroma. It is noble, difficult to obtain, and has pro-health properties. Sirloin here is tender and pronounced. It is served with horseradish potato puree, with winter vegetables: pumpkin, beet, and parsley root, with demi-glace sauce.

Deer is also in the menu of Polskie Smaki restaurant in Sheraton Sopot Hotel. This time, head chef Krystian Szidel recommends deer roulades (zrazy) with smoked wild boar bacon, in mushroom sauce, served with traditional potato dumplings and fried cabbage. -Game meat comes from Kashubian forests, and it is delivered to us by local producers. The same goes for mushrooms – our forest treasure – and wild boar bacon – says Krystian Szidel.

The head chef of Gdański Bowke restaurant, which is famous for its regional specialties, serves sous vide, crispy duck breast, with potatoes and horseradish, fried carrots and beets, compressed cucumber, Romanesco broccoli and mustard seeds, served with blackcurrant sauce.

Pomorskie also offers Poland’s best goose meat. So it happens that it is a specialty of Brovarnia restaurant in Hotel Gdańsk. Guests can enjoy rosemary duck leg confit with bacon chip, roasted beets, potato puree, and crispy kale. Flavour is taken up a notch by balsamic vinegar.

Original desserts, on the other hand, is the specialty of Rafał Koziorzemski from Biały Królik restaurant in Gdynia. Here, you can enjoy gingerbread with quince, served in the form of a decorated christmas tree, with a present next to it, which is surrounded by snow made from dried yoghurt.

From traditional Baltic sea and Kashubian lake fish, through forest fruit, to the best,classic regional game and goose meat. Restaurant in Pomorskie region offer unique winter flavours, which are hard to resist.

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