– We are passionate apiarists. Moreover, my passion for beekeeping is somewhat hereditary – says Ewa Toporkiewicz. Her father, for whom beekeeping was also a vocation, was a well-known activist in local beekeeping industry. Therefore, when Ewa Toporkiewicz got married her husband, Bogdan, had no choice but to help her establish a professional apiary.
Our family has had long beekeeping traditions, and we have always loved what we do, to the extent that even our two daughters, Magdalena and Agnieszka, have become specialists in beekeeping – says Ewa Toporkiewicz.

The family’s apiary is around 400 families, which means inhabited beehives.
– Our most popular types of honey include colza and lime varieties. These fields are on the spot, so we don’t have to transport our bees anywhere else. We also produce buckwheat, acacia, phacelia, or multiflorous honeys. In this case, however, we ask our friends from the neighbouring farms to provide assistace, by letting us use their fields – says Ewa Toporkiewicz.
Therefore, it makes it a nomadic apiary, but not only. It is also a breeding apiary, where „Magda” type queen bees are bred, among others.
It is not an exaggeration to say that bees are the litmus paper of nature. If plants are artificially fertilised, bees will know in an instant. In effect, they usually die of poisoning. This is why honey from Toporkiewicz apiary guarantees purely natural products. Dzierzgoń and its surroundings are dominated by natural, green areas.

The first honey produced during the year is colza honey, as rapeseed blossoms in May. Depending on the yield, production usually lasts until the end of August. Autumn is time of breeding and helping bees recover from any injuries they might have sustained in the year, and winter is the time of preparations to the next season.
What’s interesting, one beehive can produce up to 20-30 kilograms of colza honey, or 10-15 kilograms of lime honey.
Aside from honey, Toporkiewicz family also refines pollen, which is a natural vitamin that strengthens natural resitance, as well as propolis – the bee glue. This has even more health-benficial properties than pollen.
All the products offered by Toporkiewicz family can be purchased in their store, which is open anytime the family is at home.
Everyone visiting the farm is invited to try honey products offered by the family. The apiarists are also eager to present all the equipment they use, and they say everyone is more than welcome to dine with them, in accompaniment of especially prepared honey specialties.
– Beekeeping is passion, something that you have to have feelings for. I am glad that I can do what I enjoy. I have to admit, that I take great pleasure from my work. It allows me to rest – says Ewa Toporkiewicz.