BATYCKI brand is a synonym of prestige and luxury. Leather bags, wallets, briefcases and other accessories bearing the Company logo have been well known to Polish men and women for decades. This is one of the oldest companies in Poland which deals with manufacture of the best quality leather goods.
At present, BATYCKI trademark is given to a narrow group of leather goods. This group includes, first and foremost, women’s bags designed for the most exacting clients and smaller leather products e.g. wallets, purses or suitcases. The goods are not only beautiful, but also useful. They are elegant, comfortable and adjusted to the customers’ needs.
Leather bags, wallets, gloves, briefcases, pendants, etuis, make-up bags – all those products are made manually from the best quality skins. Starting from 2000 they are marked with a characteristic logo – an amber eye which is not only a sign of elegance and beauty, but also reminds of the Company’s regional roots. Amber, as it is generally known, releases good energy and provides its owner with joyful temper and life in harmony.
The Company was established in 1948 in Gdynia and BATYCKI best quality products are a distinctive feature thanks to their reliable and manual finish. The goods provided with the Company logo have always made everyone delighted. This is the situation up to this day.
Designers, persons who sew the leather manually and sales specialists work in the factory located in Dolne Miasto (Lower City) in Gdansk. This engaged team of employees takes care about tradition and simultaneously follows the new world trends in fashion in Europe and the United States as well as other culturally different countries e.g. the United Arab Emirates.
In its offer BATYCKI proposes both classic and modern models, for those clients who chase the novelties and are not afraid to make experiments in fashion. Twice a year season collections are produced for such demanding clients. Then what changes is the types of leather, colors and textures. In the BATYCKI designers’ opinion the experiments are allowed, because tradition and fashion do not exclude each other.
It is worth mentioning that all the goods provided with the BATYCKI amber eye are characterized by classic moderation, ennoblement of a detail and extraordinary care for originality. Pursuant to the Company’s philosophy a woman who reaches BATYCKI make should feel that she is offered something more than only a beautiful object.