Stegna municipality is one of the most scenic and interesting places on the Vistula Spit. Surrounded by the waters of the River Vistula, the River Szkarpawa and the Baltic Sea, it is reminiscent of an island. During the summer, Stegna and its surroundings are an attractive tourist spot, owing to their attractive location, unique microclimate and breathtaking landscapes. The municipality’s greatest assets are its sandy beaches rich in amber and sand dunes grown over with pine forests. Tourism is developing mainly in the area of the Vistula Spit, where the four main towns of the municipality are located: Stegna, Janoszyno, Jantar and Mikoszewo. Visiting Stegna, Jantar and Mikoszewo in the summer, you can participate in various events, fairs, concerts, volleyball and football tournaments. Every year, Jantar holds the Amber Fishing World Championships. The town’s Amber Museum displays magnificent specimens of amber nuggets as well as amber artefacts. Many citizens of the municipality are involved in the tough and dangerous profession of amber fishing.

The Faktoria International Baltic Culture Park
The Amber Route used to run through Pruszcz Gdański from the 1st to 5th centuries ...