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From Kulinarna Świętojańska you will not leave hungry. Do you like savory dishes, or maybe sweet? Looking for a nutritious soup, smoked fish or pickled herring? Here you will find them! It’s a special time of the year when one of Gdynia’s main streets, Świętojańska, transforms into a culinary promenade. During the 7th edition of this event, we searched for culinary gems, which we are happy to tell you about. 

40 stands with delicious street food, a variety of culinary options, a family atmosphere and beautiful weather. That’s how we can sum up the 7th edition of Kulinarna Świętojańska in a nutshell. This is a unique event, as it promotes the first urban culinary trail in Poland. And all this in the open air, on one of Gdynia’s main streets – Świętojańska, which for the duration of the event is closed to traffic. 

The culinary patrons of the event were two well-known and respected chefs – Marcin Popielarz (White Rabbit in Quadrille, Hewelke Restaurant & Bakery, Biôli Trus in Leśny Dwór) and Jacek Koprowski (Fino Restaurant). It is worth noting that both chefs earned a recommendation from the esteemed Michelin culinary guide on June 20.

What did we experience at Kulinarna Świętojańska? If we had an equivalent of the Italian phrase “Dolce far niente” in Poland, this is how we would describe the event from a participant’s perspective. Oh, how sweet it is to do nothing and just be! You walk around, you talk, you taste, you shop. You meet local foodies, see the people behind the delicious product, exchange goodwill, try different flavors and have a blissful time. Under the cloud with live music. Sounds good, right?

What delighted us at Kulinarna Świętojańska? First of all – Polish and regional food. We tasted delicious cheeses and fish from vendors from the Market Hall in Gdynia. Our hearts were stolen by smoked fish from Tawerna Orlowska and potato pancakes with herring paste and a fried bread roll from Borowa Ciotka. We also drew attention to dishes sealed in jars from Prowiant, which serves artisanal cuisine with organic ingredients from local, friendly farms. Gzik potatoes from Bistro u Misia and pickled herrings of a pre-war recipe from Lodz Jews were also very popular. 

At Culinary St. John’s we could not miss our local representatives on the topic of vegan and gluten-free cuisine – Jola Słoma and Mirek Trymbulak. We recommend their Atelier of Taste (Atelier Smaku) to anyone who is looking for a vegan option with the crossed-out ear sign for health or taste reasons. There were also delicacies from My Story Gdynia, pastas with lots of cheese from Pasta Miasta and the best home baked goods from Ms. Renia.

Culinary Swietojanska is an initiative of the Gdynia Development Agency, which, under the slogan “Culinary Gdynia,” brings together Gdynia’s restaurants into one culinary trail. We highly value such projects, as culinary tourism is one of the experiences that is close to the assumptions of Pomorskie Prestige. Experiencing through tasting can be an extraordinary culinary adventure, where through flavors you also learn about the culture and history of the place you are visiting.

Experience through flavors and see you at Kulinarna Świętojańska next year!

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