It all started with goat milk, which was perfect for processing. It was also an excellent base for a product that would differ with its consistency from any fluid products, and at the same time wouldn’t be too hard. Then, from beyond the Carpathians, sheep products were imported to Poland. In the 19th century, characteristic yellow lumps were brought to Pomorskie from Germany and Holland. Cheese. It has since then been omnipresent in the region’s cuisine.
Cheesemaking in Pomorskie is a tradition that dates back hundreds of years. The 17th century Żuławy region saw the production of what was called “Werderkase”. Historical recipes were preserved, hence enabling contemporary cheesemakers to re-create this unique product in accord with rules set years ago by the Mennonites. Before World War II, a camembert-type blue cheese was produced in Słupsk. “Słupski Chłopczyk” (“A boy from Słupsk”) was the pride of this city. It brought fame to the city, as well as substantial profit. Today, “Słupski Chłopczyk” is produced in the town of Zielin near Słupsk.

Many housewives of Kaszuby do not imagine serving to their families any other cheese than home-made. The most popular one is cheese spread, which is a steam-cooked cottage cheese with cumin, salt, and butter. Farms of Kaszuby also produce goat or sheep cheese, although the most popular is their cow milk cheese. Cheesemaking is a fascinating trade. Cheesemaking workshops enjoy quite a popularity in Pomorskie. Today, any willing amateur has the possibility to produce their own, home-made cheese.
Local cheese from Kaszubska Koza
It won’t be an exaggeration to say that cheesemaking in Pomorskie has been brought back in style. New cheesemaking farms are founded almost every day. One of them is the famous Kaszubska Koza (Goat from Kaszuby), which has gained popularity all across Poland. Goat cheese that is produced there appear in creations of Poland’s best chefs.

Local cheese from Wspólnota Burego Misia
Another place that specialises in cheese manufacture is Wspólnota Burego Misia (The Dun Bear Community). This amazing initiative brings together people with disabilities. Dun Bears, together with their caretakers, make dozens of different kinds of cheese, including light cottage cheese, maturing cheese, and more. Selection is broad. Members of the Community go through each step of the cheesemaking process, and then tend to the maturing process. It is a full-time job.

Local cheese from Radostawskie Rarytasy
People at Radostowskie Rarytasy farm also have their hands full. They offer a wide range of cheese, including ripened cheese, well-ripened cheese, blue cheese, etc. Although the company is quite new to the market, they have already managed to gain popularity with their Racibor blue cheese, as well as others.

Cheese is an excellent addition to bread, although amateurs of cheese prefer it saute. Regional cheese in Pomorskie combines excellently with regional honey. It is also and excellent pairing to local alcohol. Served with nuts or fruit straight from the region’s forests, cheese makes a great, healthy, and most of all natural snack.