If it were possible, at the beginning of spring many of us would choose one of many clinics and undergo professional cosmetic treatments. This year, due to the coronavirus pandemic, we are left with home treatments. Which of them will work best according to specialists from clinics around Pomorskie?

Sleep hygiene and proper body irrigation
Seeing the condition of the skin after winter, we usually turn to beauty parlours or aesthetic medicine. As specialists rightly point out, skin’s condition depends not only on treatments and general care we use. Healthy lifestyle also has a great influence on its appearance. Excessive stress, sleep deprivation, inadequate eating habits – all this has a negative impact on the condition of our skin.
– Beautiful and well-cared for skin is not only cosmetic treatments or aesthetic medicine. We can only achieve a healthy appearance of the skin if it is relaxed and unwound. Every complexion after the autumn-winter season needs exfoliating treatments, as well as hydration and regeneration. Home SPA is not only peelings and masks, everyday makeup removal and skin toning is also an important aspect – says Aneta Sienkiewicz, cosmetologist at Imagine Clinic in Gdynia.

The best results can be achieved by combining well thought-out everyday care with regular use of peelings and masks, selected according to the needs of the skin. The cosmetologist emphasises that the skin should be taken care of from the inside as well. – We should remember about proper hydration of the body, thanks to which the skin maintains the effect of moisture and radiant look for longer – adds Aneta Sienkiewicz. This is a very valuable remark, especially now, when proper hydration of the body also affects our immune system.

Acid peels in home care
For years, acid peels have been a spring hit in beauty parlours, refreshing the skin, improving its colour and reducing fine lines. The benefits of exfoliating, acid-based treatments have been confirmed by our next expert, Judyta Brzezińska, an aesthetic medicine doctor from Synea Medical Day SPA in Pruszcz Gdański.
– In early spring, in Synea Medical Day Spa beauty parlours we most often recommend acid peels, which allow to remove a thick layer of keratinized epidermis, restore healthy colour of the skin, refresh it and reduce discoloration, dilated pores and fine wrinkles – Judyta Brzezińska tells us. According to her, professional cosmetic treatment with acids can be partially replaced by regular use of cosmetics that contain them.

A wide range of creams, tonics and peelings with exfoliating acids available on the market allows us to choose a product that perfectly meets the needs of the skin. – In the case of sensitive and vascular ceriums, it is worth starting with cosmetics with the addition of mandelic acid and azelaic acid, glycolic acid with the addition of the mentioned azelaic acid can cope with discolouration, and oily skin with acne will respond well to salicylic acid – suggests Judyta Brzezińska.

When using cosmetics with exfoliating acids, it is also worth remembering about the neck and neckline, because – as the specialist notes – in a moment we will expose them wearing summer dresses. We should remember that each person reacts to such preparations differently, but this does not mean to be discouraged. – Sometimes, very sensitive skin reacts to such cosmetics with redness and burning. In such a situation, the preparations should be introduced gradually, using the product initially every second or third day – adds the expert.